Implementing Fitness in the Workplace

You spend most of your time at work..that’s right….for most of us it’s 40+ hrs a week devoted to work. You try to devote any other time to taking care of those you love (pets included), household responsibilities and all the other things that are part of your routine. So where is time to stay fit? It’s quite difficult to even have the energy when you do find time! As I have embraced the middle age of life, I am always trying to find ways to get and stay in shape. I am in an office setting at work and have come up with a few tricks that might work for you should you have a conducive work environment.

First opportunity is…most of us are allotted a break, right? Typically 15 minutes? If you are in an area that allows you to walk either in hallways or outside, then use this time to do so! I use a “Map My Run” app on my phone to not only help me keep up with distance and pace..but let’s me know when my allotted break time is up. (you can always duck in to a stairwell and get a boost of cardio by doing some stair steps)

Which brings us to our next opportunity…The Stairs! Yep…nothing will get your rear tightened up better than utilizing or creating your own step routine. (Of course, be sure to use proper shoe gear…heels are NOT a good idea…I have tested it!)

If a good area is accessible to you…bring a yoga mat and use it at those spare times that you might bust out some quick planks or any other moves that you can do from the floor position. (I use a great little app called “Interval Pro” that helps me time my moves so that I can gauge and track my progress)

Weights!! One of the best and most accessible tool you can have at work to help you pump up some muscles…especially if you aren’t in a very mobile situation on the job. I keep some 8 pounders at my desk at and whenever I have the chance, I bust out some bicep curls, triceps extensions or any one of assorted arm moves. You can google and find some great, short arm circuits that work well for this. (and the “Interval Pro” app comes in very handy here as well!)

My PSA about safety…make sure to always wear proper shoes for the exercise. Make yourself aware of your surroundings so that there aren’t unsafe conditions that could cause injury. And most importantly, go at a pace that is comfortable and not to cause injury. Speak with your Doctor or Physical Therapist should any movement become painful.

As these routines can work well for a lot of work environments, others might need a little ingenuity. Most importantly, to stay fit and keep moving. A well, positive and fit life is one of the best lived.

Peace and Happiness to all!!


Sandra Salcido lives in Huntsville, AL. She is a mother of two and a grandmother of three. Health and fitness has been a part of her entire life and she has worked to modify and implement various forms through changing life demands. She is a great example to her entire family!


Dr. Stephanie Perez

PT, DPT- Owner and Founder

Our mission at Empowered Wellness is to empower women to achieve optimal physical, emotional, and mental well-being through comprehensive, personalized care.

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